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Ultra Tesla Seat FAQ's

Could the electromagnetic fields affect internal organs?

The electromagnetic fields penetrate up to ten centimetres, ensuring precise
stimulation of pelvic floor muscles while leaving internal organs untouched.


When is it safe to undergo treatment after childbirth?

Regardless of the delivery method, it's advisable to wait until the healing

process is complete, typically around six months, before considering the treatment.


Can the treatment enhance your sex life?

By stimulating and strengthening pelvic floor muscles, the treatment can
improve sexual satisfaction by enhancing vaginal tightness and tone.


When can you expect to see results?

Significant improvements become noticeable after just four sessions, including
increased muscle strength and improved bladder control.


How long do the results last?

The duration of results varies based on the initial condition's severity. Reversals may occur around 6-12 months post-treatment. While patients in initial studies reported satisfaction for up to 6 months, a more conservative estimate is provided for severe incontinence cases. For most individuals, internal improvements can endure for 9-12 months. To counteract the natural weakening of pelvic muscles due to aging and gravity, it's recommended to maintain results with periodic treatments.

Laser Hair Removal FAQ's: Text
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