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Hopi Ear Candling

Treatment is approx. 35-40 mins

& includes Lymphatic and sinus drainage. 


Excellent treatment for a build up of ear wax, tinnitus, sinus problems and headaches.

Suitable for both Children & Adults

Also known as thermal auricular therapy, ear candling is a natural therapy that places narrow candles in the ears. The candles themselves are made from cotton or linen that has been impregnated with beeswax, honey and therapeutic oils.  They work in the same way as a chimney, drawing impurities to the surface where they can then be safely removed. This action helps soften impacted ear wax and to regulate the pressure systems inside the head, such as sinuses.

Hopi ear candles are an excellent treatment for a build up of ear wax, tinnitus, sinus problems and headaches.

A great alternative to syringing & suitable for both adults & children.



These candles are not suitable if you suffer from Epilepsy, because of the Sage in the candle.

The candles are not suitable if you are in the early stages of pregnancy or are allergic to any of the ingredients:  Pure beeswax, honey extract, sage, St John’s wort & chamomile.


Ear Candling is not suitable for people who have a perforated eardrum, grommets, acute infection of the ear or the surrounding areas.


Hopi Ear Candling: Service
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