Ultimate Cellulite Reduction
£150 per session
£750 course of 6
Truly Exceptional Results
Ultimate Cellulite Treatment delivers fantastic results, with reduced size, smoother appearance and softer, more supple legs after your very first treatment.
What should I do before I attend my appointment?
The area being treated must be clean and free from all topical solutions.
Please shave the area 2-12 hours immediately before treatment.
Avoid direct sun exposure on the area being treated for at least 3 days prior to treatment.
Tanning creams must not be used 2 weeks before treatment
No other forms of hair removal apart for shaving, during the course of treatment
No essential oils may be used 48 hours prior to treatment
If having facial lasering and have a history of cold sores you may take your usual medication 5 days before and 5 days after treatment.
If you have been on antibiotics, you must leave 2 weeks between finishing the course and having a SmartDiode laser treatment.
Swollen adipocytes push up on the skin and strain against the Septae. The Septae have lost their elasticity, becoming hard and fibrous due to loss of collagen, so pull down the skin to form deep ripples and dimples.
What we can do?
The 4D Cavitation head emits ultrasonic sound energy & penetrates the skin to a depth of approximately 8-9mm, deep enough to reach the subcutaneous fat layer. This causes low-pressure bubbles to form within the fat cells, rupturing the fat cell membranes and allowing the contents to spill out into the interstitial space.
The second modulation stimulates lymphatic drainage, causing the released contents to be drawn away and to be used by the bodies natural biological processes.
We then use Vacuum Assisted Radio Frequency with Multi-Polar Radio Frequency (“RF”) technology which generates heat in the sub-cutaneous layer, generating a combined effect of causing increased porosity in the adipocytes (fat cells), selectively denaturing (destroying) the fibrous Septae and promoting the re-growth of fresh, healthy and flexible collagen fibres.
Using Vacuum Massage within the treatment head to lift the skin, enables selective targeting of a more focused RF field to provide greater control and more efficient delivery of the RF energy to the targeted tissues. The vacuum massage also further breaks down the old fibrous Septae, promoting fresh collagen re-growth.
This also significantly improves and promotes lymphatic drainage, driving fat cell content and toxins from the sub-cutaneous layer, whilst also smoothing the skin. This reduces the size of and re-organises the adipocytes to reduce the overall thickness of the fat layer, further improving the appearance of the skin
With the reduction in size and number of fat cells, plus more flexible and supple connective tissues (Septae), the skin is left feeling tighter and smoother. With a full course of treatments you will be amazed at the results!